Hi, it's Milkshake again. Our owner just got back from a 5-day vacation to her grandmother's house. Her other grandma was taking care of us. Not like, Cheyenne did, where she watched us all day, and fed us at the exact same time every day. Her grandma just fed us and nothing else. I just wamted to update....soo, bye.
Hey, it's Milkshake again. We got ANOTHER new fish. He's way bigger than splash, but we can't tell if he is a longfin comet or a koi. He likes to hide all the time and stuff. We don't know why lately all the new goldfish have been timid. anyway, just wanted to update. Bye!
Hi, it's Milkshake. You'll never guess what happened! On my last post I said we didn't have any decorations. But right after that, we got some! A fake stump with plastic plants and some squishy coral and sea annemone thing. I like to hide in the holes in the stump, but Blackie likes the coral annenome. So I guess my house is the stump and the annenome is Blackie's. I'll post something else up later this week. Bye.  
Hey, Milkshake again! On my last post, I said my owner was geting us a big fish tank. And yesterday it happened! She came home with a big box and a goldfish bag. Blackie and I saw another goldfish in the bag. As my owner and her mother set up our new home, we looked on. When they were finished, the scooped us and the new fish she called Splash into the tank. There wasn't any decorations, but it was still nice to have a bigger place to live. Check out Blackie and Splash's blogs too. Bye!
Hi, I'm Milkshake, and welcome to my website. This is my blog. As you may already know, I am a goldfish. I'm going to tell you all about myself  and I want you to leave your comments and tell me what I can do to make my website better!
My best friend is Blackie, and we like to play tag. My favorite food is Goldfish granules, yummy pellets that keep me healthy and bring out my colors. I am light orange with a white mouth and a sliver underside. My owner Cheyenne is going to buy me a gigantic aquarium! i can't wait!
Now why don't you post a comment? I will look at all the comments I get!


    Hello. My name is Milkshake, and I am the first goldfish that my owner Cheyenne has had that has survived. Look at my blog to learn more about me and my best friend Blackie. Look at her blog too, and don't forget to click on the ''contact me'' link to ask me questions about goldfish, and to tell me about your goldfish too! I will answer all questions and E-mails!


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    July 2010



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