Choosing a goldfish

When choosing a goldfish, make sure that the tank is not over-crowded, there are no dead fish, the water isn't cloudy. If  these things are present, you may want to consider buying a fish from somewhere else. Things to look for in a good quality fish are if it is healthy, doesn't have a white cloudiness around them, tattered fins, white spots on the fins, fluffy white spots, long, trailing feces, large swelling, popping eyes, (NOTE THAT SOME FISH HAVE EYES THAT ARE SOPOSED TO POP OUT, BUT IF THEY POP OUT MORE THAT USUAL) white, black or gray threads hanging from them, swimming sideways or upside-down, rubbing up against things, sitting at the bottom of the tank with it's fins pulled close, or holes in the head and nasel area. These symptoms will indicate disease, and therefore not be healthy.
The fins should be undamaged and erect. If the gills are moving rapidly, the goldfish is most likely not getting enough oxygen. The eyes should be bright and non clouded. Look for a happy looking fish that can swim through the water effortlessly and with bright lively colors.